Camuka Walking On Sunshine
Sire: BISS Fantango Here Comes The Sun(Ai) Dam: Avonbreeze One Step Ahead
Hips 9,4 (13) Elbows 0,1 Clear Eye and Heart Cert.
” Shine ”
Shine at 7 weeks.
Little Shine entered our lives at a most difficult time –
losing her Grandfather Gilly when she was 6 weeks old.
She has certainly brightened up our lives with her energy, I am looking forward
to take her out and about in 2019.
Shine Puppy in group & BCC at Euro Ch Show 2019.
Shine is continuing on her winning ways and over the past 6 months has had some special wins under breed specialists from around the world.
- Best puppy In Show at both GRC Sa specialty shows
- Best Junior in Show at GRCV Championship Show 2019
- BOB at The Sunbury Kennel Club Championship show November 2019
Shine is now a certified Therapy dog.
SIRE: BISS Fantango Here Comes The Sun (AI) |
C.I.E. SE.UCH Majik Zero to Hero (FIN) | Int CH. Majik Finders Keepers (FIN) |
Majik Vissi D’Arte (FIN) | ||
Fantango Walkin onthewildside | Sup CH. Fantango Wild Oats | |
Dobro Ice Majic (Ai) | ||
Avonbreeze One Step Ahead | AUST CH Camuka Village Gossip | Chaleur High N Mighty |
Camuka Isabella | ||
Goldew Charisma | Aust/NZ Ch Dykinta Grand Slam | |
Goldew Jubilee |