Goldshyne Kiwi Buzz at Camuka 

Sire: Goldshyne The Big Bang
Dam: Ch. Sandlewood The Beez Kneez at Goldshyne (imp NZ)

Whelped: 27/09/2022


Hips 4/4 (8)  Elbows 0,0 Current Clear Eye and Heart Cert. DNA Clear ICT 1 &2, PRA 1 & 2, DM, NCL-GR

Welcome to Camuka “ Buzz”

We are looking forward to having some fun with this young man and are very grateful to Sharney for letting him come and live with us at Camuka.

Due to an eye injury as a puppy Buzz has only ever attended one show. He is now being trained by Kath as a therapy dog, a role we know he will just excel in. Buzz is the most biddable happy boy, with a bomb proof personality and so much love to give.

⭐️24 FEB 2025 – BUZZ IS NOW A CERTIFIED THERAPY DOG – Kath & Buzz will be working with children in schools.

Buzz is a proven stud and available to approved bitches. 

Buzz at work.

Buzz at work.

Buzz aged 2.

Pedigree of  Buzz

Parents Grandparents GreatGrandparents

Goldshyne The Big Bang

Goldshyne All Eyes On Me (AI)
Aust Ch. HJCh Bonett Bride Merchant Traveller
RUBISS Ch Fantango Say It With Style (AI)
Ch. Goldstreem Pixie Dust It.- CIE CHTOP DOG 2014 Pinkerly Tom Jones
Goldstreem Sheer Majik

Ch. Sandlewood the Beez Kneez at Goldshyne ( imp NZ)

Aust CH Dream Max Grandmother’s Prospect ( imp Swdn) DK & SWE SH & FIN CH, SVCH Dream Max Paradise Apple
S VCH Dream Max Nina Ricci
NZ Ch Sandlewood Standing Ovation AI MBISS Aust Ch Fantango Backstage Pass
MBISS NZ CH Sandlewood Ivy’s A Gamble (AI)